
More Fan Fics for my boredom!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Robot Masters Tournament Battle

Morning arrives. Slowly, the robot monsters begin their trek back to the stadium. Each one filled with anticipation as to see who will be called the strongest.

All the known faces appear with more power than ever. The mighty Elec Man shows up with the other First 6. Quick Man's bold strength is hindered no less. Pharoah man is pumped up with energy. And many more great robots, from Cut Man, Gyro Man, and Turbo Man, to Centaur Man, Gemini Man, and Wood Man. All have shown up.
As the numbers quickly fill up, the scientist grabs hold of the mike.

"While waiting for all of the contestants to arrive. I think it's time to choose the leaders of each team. We will use Auto's random chooser device to decide. Auto would you please bring out the machine."
A green goofy, yet bulky robot comes towards Dr. Light and brings some contraption.
"Alrighty! Let's choose our first captain! How exciting!" Auto exclaims.
The machine projects out a slot machine. There are three slots. The numbers go one to three, from left to right. The captains of each team seem to be selected by the corresponding slot.
"OK! Time to pull the arm!" and with stated, Auto pulls. The excitement continues to build. Many familiar faces pass by the view. The first slot slows down and approaches, without a doubt, Mega Man.
"And our first team captain is Mega Man!" Dr. Light yells to the crowd. "How clichè! Auto, would you pull the arm again to see who the second captain is!"
The second slot begins to spin. Faster and faster and faster it spins. After ten seconds, the wheel beings to slow. The faces of Needle Man, Plant Man, and Junk Man pass by, but it stops at none other than...
"Our second team captain will be BASS!"
"Hmph.........how annoying. I didn't want to command a team of obsolete robots. Well, as long as they don't get in my way to destroy Mega Man, I'll make due." Bass thinks to himself, in spite of the turn of events that did not go his way.
"Auto! The final slot please!"
"Yes doctor!"
The wheel begins to spin again! And it stops on, PROTO MAN!
"How interesting! Proto Man will be pit against his own brother. Although they have met in combat before, never had they fought with full strength. This is a great fortune to have these two members in battle!."
"Sounds fun." Proto Man as he plays his loon.
"Okay! Now that the captains have been choosen, this will be the process of choosing team members. Team members will be chosen either from the slot, team drafts, or opponent drafts. We will begin with the slots choosing three members for each team. Then each team will decided three drafts. Then each team will choose three members for the other two teams. Then drafting for the own team again, and the final ones will be picked by the slots. Team Three, Team Blues, will get to choose their own team first by means of slot. Team Two, Team Forte, will get the first choice in drafting. Team One, Team Rock, will be the first to choose to give the other teams their members in any order they want. Okay! Shall we being?"
Tension rises as Proto Man walks up to the the machine. He pulls.

Who will be the first to join Team Blues?
Will they be able to work as a team?
And will they be strong enough to be champions of the Robot Masters Tournament Battle?

Monday, August 08, 2005

It's the year A.D. 20xx

A satellite sprouts out from the ground. As it spins around in circles, it shoots out signals to space. Stations in space receive the signal and spread the news. This time it was really big news!

"Greetings everyone! I am Dr. Thomas Light. It's been a few months since the 7th defeat of Dr. Wily. And things have been peaceful around Earth. But being the crazed old scientist man I am, I've decided to rough things up a little. This message is cast out to all previous robot masters that have faced Megaman before. I have modified him to higher and stronger capabilities. Those of you that wish to test out your abilities, please meet us tonight at the Centerdome near Wily's first base. I hope all of you will come."

That very night...

"Are you sure this is ok, Dr. Light?" Roll asked.
"I'm sure everything will be alright."
"Plus if any trouble occurs, Megaman will take care of everything right?"
"Sure! I beat em all once! I can do it again."

With those words uttered, soon a mass crowded of robot masters appeared.
"Where is he?"

But before the robot masters could do anything, a blast of green plasma energy bolts made a barrier of destruction.

"If anyone here is to destroy Megaman, it's me!" said the Black robot. "Come Treble, let us get our revenge!"

Then a whistle is heard, "do do doooooo do dooooo, do do dooo do do do doooooo, do do doooooo do dooooooooo, do do doooo do do do doooooo," Protoman flies past Bass and stands by Megaman.

"Here are the capsules Dr. Light. I'm sure they are the original six. Well I'm off."
"Wait, Protoman. Before you go, wouldn't you like to stay and see what I have to offer?"
"I don't think there is anything anyone can offer me."
"Please stay, just to hear me out."
"Very well. I'll stay."

Dr. Light moves up to the center of the stadium. He grabs the mike placed in the middle.
"Thank you all for coming. I am Dr. Light. I was hoping all 56 of you could make it. Why do I know that there are 56 of you? It is because I am here to host our first annual Robot Masters Tournament Battle. I am here to split all of you robots, including Megaman, into three teams of nineteen. Together you fight in a series of competitions. I would also like to tell you that the members of the winning team will win a grand prize of Wily's fortune. Not a bad prize if I do say so myself. We will begin to draw teams first thing in the morning. Then when the teams are drawn, I shall go over the different competitions of the tournament. I assure you, it will test every capability each of you have and to test which of you uphold your reputations as robot masters. I suggest you rest and properly set up your settings and such for tomorrow. Till then, farewell."

Bass looks up at the stage, and then at Megaman.
"Psh......fine whatever........as long as I get to destroy him in the end. I'll play their stupid little game."

Back on the stage, Light goes to Protoman.
"So, what do you think?"
"I'm interested. I'll be back tomorrow."
"I'm glad."
"So long doc."
Light returns with a nod.

"Well Doctor. It seems it's gonna be a hell of a ride tomorrow."
"You said it. It's about time to have a little fun!"
"OK! Let's go Rush!"

So ends the prologue of the...............

First Annual Robot Masters Tournament Battle

Who will team with who?
Who will end up victorious?
Who will take the crown as the ultimate ROBOT MASTER?

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