
More Fan Fics for my boredom!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

When the Four Destined Flames Unite


The Red Arremer once again lashes out at the new enemy. The same result occurs.
"KARAHAHA! He's fast! Who You?" the monster asked. No reply, just deep foam breathing. The arched body only stands still.
"KAAAAAAAAAAAH!" the other entity said.
The Arremer sends out his unlimited amount of minions. All of the creatures attack the other fighter simultaneously. Amazingly, the opponent releases flames at the minions killing each one before they even reached him. The flames were PURPLE!
"PURPLE Alive?!?!" the demon questioned. "I kill purple already!"
Iori is indeed up, but not perfectly so. This crazed form of Iori is the cause of the Riot Blood of Orochi. Because of his ancestry, the Yagami family made a compact with the Orochi to destroy the Kusagani family in the ancient war against the Orochi. The Riot Blood controls Iori and turns him into a mindless, murdering machine. All he wants his blood, and now, all he sees is the demon's blood.
"KAAA!" Orochi Iori screams out. The demonic man rushes at the Arremer with improved speed. Like the Sans-Cullote of Ash, but without the need of DM's. Iori unleases another Maiden Masher,and grabs the devil, but this version is different. The Orochi Maiden Masher ending is different. Instead of the grab and blast at the end, Iori explodes the Arremer on the ground multiple times with his right hand in purple flames.

The Arremer falls back and safe falls. Iori only stands hunched over, and breathing foam.
The Arremer only sends out more and more demons at Iori, but still no effect on the Orochi Prince. The monsters just keep burning up. The Arremer grew desperate to kill Iori. He unleashes his most powerful DM...
The master demon lashes out at Iori. At contact, a big explosion came into place. The color of it was purple.
"GAAAAH!" the Red Arremer screams flying back far away. Iori leans back with his arms spread out screaming as well, but in madness in lieu of pain.
The demon suddenly vanishes, being sent back to the depths of hell of which it came from. As Iori walks towards the body, the others regain conscience. Kyo gets up and looks at Iori yelling out of control. After a few seconds, Iori stops, and his color returns its shade from the former paleness. Then the Prince walks out first.
"Yagami..." Kyo utters at his rival.
"One day you will die Kyo......and that will be an effect from the cause of my hands."
Kyo responds with nothing as he watches Iori walk off. Ash slowly walk toward Kyo.
"Perhaps it is time for me to go, no? Au revior."
K' looks on at his "father." Kyo turns around.
"I guess today our fate was mutual in survival......but be sure that I will rid of all my clones....." and with that Kyo runs off.
K' left by himself, leaves as well.
"Hmph.....at least I got what I needed...Iori's flame of the I chip."

Sheesh after like 8-9 months i finish this story......and its not even that good -_- well onward to the next fic!

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