
More Fan Fics for my boredom!

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Primetime in the Sound Barrier


We left off where the K' Group encounters the Twin Dolls, Juli and Juni! Whip steps up to fight first! OOHH!!! CATFIGHT! MEOW! MEOW! 8Þ

"C'mon Voodoo! Let's show these Dolls what's what!"
Whip unleashes her weapon toward the direction of the roof. She then alternates her direction in mid-air sinking toward the Dolls.
"Alpha 9 Form!"
The girls split and avoid the String Shot from Sarah and with such agility began their attack, a double Cannon Spike. The girls extend their legs up and thrust their hind legs for power to a direct hit to Whip's head.
Whip recovers from the blows and decided to end the fight immediately. She goes in for her Desperation Move (DM). Whereas the dolls prepare themselves.
"Omega 49 Zeta!"
"Omega 49 Zeta!"
The Dolls prepare their own super combo, Spin Drive Smasher, identical to a similar doll with blonde hair. The Spin Drive Smasher is a combination of a powerful Cannon Drill, which is a drill spin to the lower body, followed by a Cannon Spike.
"Now! Front!" Juli, the brunette said.
"Back!" Juni, the orange-haired "twin" answered.
"What? Two-front assault......AH!" Whip softly mutters to herself before becoming engorged within the barrage of kicks.
"Sarah!" K' gets ready to run toward her, but Whip holds her hand up telling him to not move. Whip smiles.
"Heh heh! Shall we try again?"
"Repeat action!"
"Omega 49 Zeta!"
The Dolls launch their Spin Drive Smashers once more. This time Whip intends a different assault as she still holds her timid smile.
"Sonic Slaughter......" Whip whispers. She remains motionless, holding her whip Voodoo. The Dolls get closer with the initial Cannon Drill attack. Right before they hit, Whip yells.
She suddenly starts to whip in a figure-8 direction five consecutive times, hitting both Dolls numerous times. The whip's velocity forces slices onto the girls. The fight has ended. Although it lasted shortly, it took an immense amount of energy to unleash.
"Phew! I guess that's that! Let's just get the chip and leave." Whip states.
"Haha! Charming group your bunch is!"

(Dontcha just love the pic 8Þ)
A blonde hair girl appears before the group. She is very similiar to the Dolls. She was the first among their group in their whole incident with Shadowloo. The new Doll has a similar suit as the earlier ones, except of its blue-green color, and the non-leg covers. The girl speaks out with a British accent:
"That I' Chip must stay among this base love." the Doll said to K'.
"What? Love? You two are in love?" Kula asks unfamiliar with British customs of speech.
"What? Oh dear! You sure are cute! It's just a idiom. Charming group indeed!"
"Hm...K', allow me to rid of this 'pest,'" Kula prepares to attack.
"Oh? I get to fight the cute one? Fun! May I ask you your name?"
"I like your name! Mine's Cammy! Well, as nice as it is to meet you, I'm sorry that I'll have to end your quest for this chip. It remains here."
Cammy's smile ends up into a emotionless face, just as Juli and Juni had, perfect for battle.
"I guess I'll start! Spiral Arrow!" Cammy begins her Cannon Drill.
"Hm, just like the two earlier."
Kula Diamond, also the Anti-K' weapon for NESTS is essentially an Ice weapon to cancel out K's flames. She cups her hands and blows ice at Cammy, releasing her Diamond Breath. The ice strike Cammy's legs freezing them.
"What? How did this appear to be?" Cammy thought. "If she constantly freezes me, I'll be down in no time." With that in her mind, Cammy crushes the ice formed on her legs by smashing down at the ground. The ice cutted her legs and the flesh let loose blood.
"Ouch! The cute one is quite deadly. I'll try a new approach."
Cammy jumps toward Kula and does an inverted Cannon Spike, Cannon Strike.
"Crow Bite!" Kula performs her anti-air manuver, striking up by forming a slanted oval, thus freezing Cammy's legs again. Cammy falls back with frozen legs again.
"Crud! This is quite the dilemma!"
"We recovered from our damages. We're ready to assist you."
"What the? I thought I got rid of the other two" Whip yells out.
"We have Psycho Charge abilities to rejuvenate vitality or energy." The twins utter in unison.
"Ok! Shall we girls? Omega 1 Beta! Omega 49 Zeta!"
The three Dolls run into a complex formation, ready to unleash out super combos. The twins set out another Spin Drive Smasher from the left and right while Cammy goes through the middle ready to use her Reverse Shaft Breaker, an upward drill attack.
"Pests.....Diamond Edge!" Kula releases three ice geysers from the ground. One for each Doll. The ice geysers pierce the Dolls, forcing them to end their assault.
"Hmph! I got the chip. Let's move out!" K' yells out.
"Finally!" Whip utters to herself. "This mission is too much of a hassle. I don't even know what the chip is for! It better be useful!"
"You three go! I'll dispose of these Dolls to ensure that no interuption occurs." Maxima tells the group.
"Alright! Let's go Kula! Sarah!"
The other three rush off toward the exit. Maxima opens his chest for his DM, Maxima Beam.
The other three speed out through the base without much resistance. Near the exit two figures appear.
"S***......" K' contemplates to himself. "What is the deal with these freaks..."
"Move out whoever you are!" Kula yelled! "Diamond Edge!" and with that she releases three more ice geysers; however, unlike with the Dolls, the ice shatters. From behind the ice, boomerang blades energy waves flew out toward the group. The speed of the projectiles were incredible. They flew out like the speed of sound. The blades connect with the group, then followed by the booming sounds.
"Incredible! Supersonic blasts!" Whip cried out after being hit with them.
"Sonic Booms sweetheart!" Charlie corrected her. "Hey Guile! Looks like a high school prom! Heh heh! This will be too easy!"
"Eh...Don't underestimate your enemy."
"Hmph! Girls you take four-eyes! I'll take bush head!"
"Ok..." the fatigued girls replied.
"Four-eyes punk? Whatever! I'll play with the ladies! I don't want to bother with the lil' punk."
"Fine whatever. Just make sure that the male doesn't leave out with the chip!" Guile told Charlie."
Whip flies up again like earlier, using her Strings Shot. Kula skates toward Charlie preparing her Diamond Breath. Charlie first release a Sonic Boom, hitting Kula before she stops from her skating. Then he squats down and right when Whip falls down toward him, he uses his Flash kick by releases a big vertical blade kick, uttering the words "somersault."
K-Dash dashes straight at Guile, but Guile does his own Sonic Boom. However, K' slides down and disappears.
"Blackout..........." K' mutters.
Guile, recovering from his projectile, quickly turns around, but before he can react, K' performs his Crow Bite. Creating the circular motion going up, K' burns Guile with the Bite for four hits before finishing with a deep, downward kick. Guile safe falls back and turtles. K', unwilling to relent, runs at his opponent and sparks out a Eins Trigger, then kicks out a Second Shell. Guile blocks the flames, scarring his arms, but runs intermittently at K'. Confused, K' turtles as well. Guile continues his little routine then sporadically rolls. Caught off guard, K' jumps.
"Trap.... Somersault!" Guile yells.
The big vertical energy blade slices K', thrusting him back down to the ground.
"Hand over the I' Chip buddy."
Charlie throws more Sonic Booms at the girls, but suddenly is tied up by Voodoo.
"Shoot! This isn't turning out to be too easy!"
Kula does her Diamond Edge, taking out Charlie with ease. Kula reaches out her hands and waves saying, "Bye-Bye!"
"Charlie!!!! S***! Three against one!."
"We got him outnumbered! Kula, take the back, and Whip stay back givin whip lashes!" the leader commanded.
"I gotta take out the whip girly," Guile thought. He rolls past K', towards Whip and before any of them could counterattack, Guile pulls out a Sonic Hurricane. Like a giant Sonic Boom, the Hurricane leashes out, but stays around Guile. K' tries an aerial attack, but gets caught up in the disc. Kula launches another Diamond Edge at Guile, but Guile uses another Hurricane to shatter the ice. This time K' counters with a Chain Drive DM. K' throws his shades at Guile, hitting him then instantly following the initial blow and connect with a series of punches and kicks, burning Guile at the end with an One Inch. Sensing desperation K' charges up for another Chain Drive, but Guile, anxious to end this fight, Guile uses his Sonic Boom Typhoon. A large twister blows out of his arms. Engulfing K', Kula, and Whip, the three fall down weakened to even stand.
"Heh. Easy operation. Good job guys but its over! SONIC BOOM TYPHOON!" Guile unleashes another twister, enough to end the three intruder's lives. However, before the attack reaches them, a cannon wipes out the Typhoon.
"MX-II: Final Cannon!" Maxima speaks.
Guile, amazed that another opponent has arrived, falls on his knees. Tired himself, he tries to guard against Maxima who is walking up to the soldier.
"It's over man. You lose." Maxima finishes him off with a M4 Kata: Vapour Cannon, which is a really, really, really, strong punch.
"This wasn't what I expected from human soldiers, but at least we got the I' Chip." K' utters. "Let's get out. Back to HQ team."
The team walk off slowly, off toward the blazing sun, as a wind dies down to a mere gale, then to nothing, as the team moves off to the horizon, leaving the base out of plain sight.
"Ore ne de jubuun da....."

Friday, January 09, 2004

Primetime in the Sound Barrier


K'(' as in prime, think math ppl! 8| It's also K-Dash, cuz its Japanese? Iono.)
Guile(Go home and be a family man! Hyuck! 8D)

You know it! It's marquee time! In a disclosed military base in the U.S., a group breached the line of defense and invaded the headquarters. The two men and women entered with ease, but unlucky for them.....a certain duo of lieutenants were sent there...

"Shoot the intruders! Don't release fire! These four aren't just any four! Make your hits count men!"
"Maxima! You take the north quarters. Sis! You take the east wing! Kula! (8D) take the south! I got west! You know what to look for! Go!"
The quartet of clones and whatnot split up. K' and Maxima are a duo that have been seeking out ways to get rid of NESTS forever, and although it seemed that they have, being that Igniz is gone, they just have to make sure everything NESTS is gone. K' and Maxima's beef with NESTS, a type of global underground-type organization interested with power and etc., is that K' himself was a clone that NESTS made who figured out the truth, and Maxima was turned into a machine along with his buddy Rocky from NESTS. With them is Sarah who goes under the name Whip which was given to her when she worked with the Ikari Team. The Ikari Team, lead by Heidern, has always been investigating NESTS, and when Whip found out certain stuff from Krizalid, K's clone (WTH right?) she spent time with K'. Perhaps in the whole world, the one thing that K' would never hate from NESTS is Kula Diamond, the Anti-K'. Only a young girl when they met, the two met frequently and with time, the two grew a love relationship. (haha clones in love....) In solo now in each wing, the four seek out something in this camp, whatever it may be.
"Sir........I think we are gonna need some back-up....."
"No soldier....what we need, is a miracle...."

Meanwhile, before the invasion...
"Coffee?", inquired a blond haired man with his hair in a hook pointing down in the front.
"No thanks." replied the man accompanying the "hook man."
"So...how'd the wife and daughter?"
"Great! My lil' girl's becoming quite the looker. Scary how she reminds me of her mother."
"Haha! Is that so? I only remember when she was about this high."
"Ya." the accomplice sighs, then yawns.
"Boy, you tellin' me. Ain't nothin' to do here at all!"
"Haha Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. Just cuz there ain't no bars or a few nice lookin' ladies around this base, doesn't mean that you can't enjoy yourself once in a while..."
"That's easy for you to say Guile. You're freakin' married."
"Point made...hahah-" Guile began to laugh, but was suddenly interrupted by an alarm and red lights flashing. All throughout the base, this was heard:
"Attention all troops! We have a red alert! There are four unknown assailants trying to attack the headquarters. All troops report to the front!"
"You were saying?" The flat-top blonde asked.
"It ain't exactly women, but hell, this is better than nothin' at all Shall we?"
"Let's go."

Back to K' and the others!
"Team, this is Maxima! No luck!"
"Whip here! It's no in this section either."
"This place is a dead end....I'm returning to you K'."
"Well, if it took them that much time to reach their destination, and I'm still not done, I must be in the right place." K' thought.
More soldiers replaced the fallen ones and they continued to fire at K', yet not one bullet even reached him.
"Blackout....." K' states.
Before the soldiers know it, K' slide into a form and suddenly disappeared. All the men were dazzled, looking around for the invader. Before then know it, their backs began to burn. Not enough to kill them, but some how enough to knock them out. K's control of his fire has grown ever since Igniz. K' then just continues forward. He thinks to himself, "Must be close......THERE!"
The prize that K's group was seeking for was inside a chamber, however there is a security system that is currently preventing K' to go through.
"Maxima! I need you to in the west wing!"
Maxima, who is part robot because of a NESTS operation, runs pretty slowly. Yet his data in his computer databanks can tell him the path shortest from the north to the west, simply because he walked there before.
Arriving there, Whip and Kula have arrived as well. Although he knows shortcuts, Maxima is still physically the slowest.
"Let me check the lock."
Maxima spends a few minutes with the code. Eventually he unlocks it.
"Hold on. I think there's a spoof." Maxima informs then. There was, the system had programmed thousands of temporary codes. It opens the door and in ten seconds lock the door up again. Which is what happened.
"This may be tougher than I believed."
"K', can't we just freeze or burn it?" the anti-K' asks.
"Don't know, could we Maxima?"
"I'm not sure about attack the code but the door maybe. From my memory, the door is impervious to heat."
"So then I could do it!" the young girl said.
"Kula, you gotta remember, Maxima is a living computer. He talks very scientifically." Whip informs.
"I believe, however, that we can brute force it. Allow me." Maxima said. He begins to open a gap in his jacket revealing some type of cannon. Then came a sudden blue blast that blew a big hole in the door.
Maxima looks at the door. "Impressive. It withstood my blast."
As K' walked in, he stood in place looking at the teams prize, a data chip. K' looks at it for a while, as if he was thinking.
"Let's get it the chip and leave this forsaken place." Whip yells impatiently.
"Fine...." K' answers. He walks up to the chip, but before he could take it he hears two voices.
"That I' Chip is going no where!"
"If you want the database, you will have to defeat us first."
Two girls wearing identical, navy blue one-piece suits. There is a oval gap in the back revealing their bodies. Both also have a little cute yellow-orange tie and a small hat that matches the suit. The only difference between the girls is their hair. One has a a bit longer hair and a small ponytail in the brunette color. The other has short hair with blonde and orangish hints.
"Pests...hmph...." K' sneered at the dolls.
"Don't worry K', I think it's time to release a little Whip-lash....heh heh" Sarah taunts out confidently.

Yay! They're gonna fight! Just gotta wait for the main fight in part...iono 8D. Hm...I wonder if I'll ever finish Terry and Ryu's bout? Heh heh!

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