
More Fan Fics for my boredom!

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Sword and Flower Trying to Steal the Idol's Treasure

Part 2

"Let's go!" a group of voices exclaimed excitedly.
"Movie!Movie!Movie!Movie!" both Koalla and Sarah kept yelling over and over again.
"Onii-chan, let me walk with you" the youngest Urashima says talking to her "brother."
"Ahhhh....those two are so friendly...are they married?" Mutsumi asks Kitsune as they walk behind the Urashimas.
"Oi! You clutz, those two are siblings! Besides, we're talkin bout Keitaro here! Doesn't Naru ring a bell?"
"Oh yes! Naru-san!........who's Naru-san?"
Kitsune falls down. "Mutsumi, you sure are incredible....."
Shinobu hurries and catches up to Keitaro and tugs his sleeve.

"Hm? Oh Shinobu-chan! What's up?"
"Um, I was wondering, can I talk to you alone?"
"And why would you want to do that?" a cold, piercing voice shot out.
"Because...........because" and the trepid little girl couldn't release her voice out. However, another replaced hers.
"Because.......WE wish to speak with Urashima-sempai."
"Ah....Motoko.....very well........" Kanako says nervously as she slowly backs away, now knowing Motoko's kendo abilities.
"Ok Shinobu-chan, Motoko-chan, what can I do for you?" Keitaro asks.
"Well,.........we want to know.....um......how.....how.....much......." Shinobu starts.
"....You feel for Naru-sempai....." and Motoko finishes and her face reddens. Keitaro starts to blush as well.
"Well, uh, I think I mention this before, but I love Narusegawa. She's the most wonderful girl in the world."
"Ok....we were just double-checking." and the two girls back up and bit behind him.
"Yes? Motoko-sempai?"
"I know that you have feelings for Urashima-sempai."
"WHat?!?!? No I don't! Honest!"
"It's ok to admit it, I do too, but only a little bit."
"Well my point is, we should plan to strangle Urashima-sempai away from Naru-sempai. How does that sound?"
"I don't know.......Sempai and Naru-sempai seem really happy together and I just want Sempai to be really happy."
"But you'd rather he be with you correct?"
"...........Yes" Shinobu says sharp and fast and immediately looks to the ground tapping her index fingers towards each other.
Then the two girls plot together behind the rest of the group, but unknown to them, Kitsune (that sly fox!) was eavesdropping.
"Hm.......boy won't this be interesting!" she thought to herself.
The group enter in front of the parking lot of the theater. They head towards the ticket booth. Kanako and Keitaro are up ahead of the group in line to buy the tickets. Motoko then whispers to Su.
"Su, come over here please."
"Oi? Motoko! Do you wanna play with me?"
"No Su, but I know someone that does."
"REALLY? WHO WHO WHO?" and Motoko whispers into Su's ears. Su jumped and her face shone in glee.
"What's all the hub-bub?" the American girl asked Koalla. Su whispers into Sarah's ears. Sarah jumps into the air as well and does identically what Koalla does.
Keitaro turns around and faces the group, "I bought everyone's tickets! Let's go!"
Su and Sarah suddenly dash towards Kanako and grab her and run ahead.
"Yay! You finally wanna play with us! I'm so excited!" Su shouts.
"I didn't know you were so cool Kanako onee-san!" Sarah shouts.
"WHAT?!?! What are you two idiots talking about? Release me at........." but before she could finish she was dragged off into the theater by Su and Sarah.
"Su-chan! Sarah-chan! Wait!" Keitaro yells after them. A arm holds him back.
"It's ok Urashima-sempai. I told them were our seats were."
"Oh ok."
"Ara......." Mutsumi softly spews out, but is interrupted by the group's sudden charge into the theater.
At the lobby, Shinobu goes up ahead to wait in line for refreshments. Motoko waits on the side and winks at her. Shinobu winks back. Shinobu orders a small popcorn and soda.
"Ok Shinobu," Motoko thinks to herself. "This part is all up to you."
Shinobu walks up to Keitaro and then suddenly trips over herself spilling the soda and popcorn all over.
"Ah......gomenasi Sempai." Shinobu says real sweet and softly.
"Haha it's ok Shinobu-chan."
"Sempai..............can you wring out my shirt......it's all wet."
"Huh? But can't you do that yourself?"
"My hands are all oily from the butter."
"Ok..." Keitaro resentfully says and gently grabs Shinobu's shirt. As he slowly squeeze her shirt.....he notices her breasts.
Thinking to himself, "Wha? Since when is Shinobu's breast so big?......so soft.....so tender........so.....AHHHHHH! It's not what it seems Shinobu!!! Gomenasi!!!!!!!!"
Shinobu giggles. The two somehow ended up into the ladies room. "It's ok Sempai.........I kinda........like.....it."
"NO no no! Shinobu-chan! This is wrong! And why am I here? AHHHH!" Keitaro then blazes out of the restroom. Motoko then comes out of a stall nearby.
"Good job! It's my turn now. I'll just have to get him to walk with me into our designated movie screen."
"Ok!" Shinobu giggles some more and the two walk off.
"Ara......." Mutsumi says once more but gets hit in the face by another stall's door. Kitsune walks out the stall and can only think how clever the two girls are.
Keitaro continues to run like a crazed madman yelling across the hallways of the theater. A voice grabs his attention.
"Onii-chan! Over here!"
"Kanako! Hold up!"
"Nii-chan, the movie is about to start. Let's go in." Kanako smiles with a bright smile, since the two were alone.
"But we should wait for the others." he said as he turns around seeking out the other girls. As Keitaro turns the other way, Su and Sarah sneak up behind Kanako and abduct here, (^_^) again!
"Look! There's Motoko." Keitaro tugs behind him but only touches air. "Kanako? Where'd you go?"
"Motoko-chan where's everyone else?"
"They are behind me. Shall we go in first and find our seats for everyone?" the girl asks.
"I guess."
The two walk in the dark room, where a large screen covers one side of the room. They walk up the stairs and find the seats.
"How lucky! There are eight seats together." Motoko calmly blurts out.
"Ara........." Mutsumi says once more standing behind the two, but the rest of the group push her out the way before she finishes her sentence. She spins around and said "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..." in her pale voice.
"C'mon the movie's startin!" Su screams.
"Movie movie!" Sarah screams.
The rest of the group "sh" them. Keitaro finds his seat to between Shinobu and Motoko. The movie begins.

In the middle of the movie-
"Urashima-sempai." Motoko whiseprs.
"Hm? What is it Motoko-chan?" the Karinrin asks.
"I feel a bit chilled. May I borrow your sweater?"
"Sure. Let me take it off."
Motoko looks at Keitaro while he strips off his clothes for her. As he hands her the sweater, she moves in closer to Keitaro. She puts the sweater on and she somehow manages to lean up right next to him without him even knowing.
"Oi? Motoko-chan?" Keitaro says slowly.
"I am just a bit under the weather. Please let me lean on your shoulder."
"Oh ok." Then another head is placed on the other shoulder.
"Sempai, I'm cold as well." Shinobu whispers.
"Wow! This is so interesting! Not only is Motoko hugging close to Keitaro, but Shinobu too! I wish Naru was here to see this!" Kitsune under her thoughts.
The movie ends.

"That movie sucked!" Sarah complained as they group walk out.
"......zzzzzzzzzz" Su snores as Kitsune carries her on her back.
Keitaro walks out with Shinobu and Motoko at his sides.
"I saw you three snuggling so close. What was going on in there?" Kanako asked.
"They were just cold Kanako. Nothing else." the "onii-san" says.
"Nothing else what?" said a familiar voice.
The group saw the person and said in unison, "NARU?!?!?"
"In the flesh! My flight got cancelled because of a really bad snowstorm in L.A"
"Los Angeles?!?! Snowstorm?" the group was in shock.
"Exactly. It's crazy......Anyway, what's with this talk of snuggling in the theater Keitaro? Hm? And why is Motoko wearing your sweater?"
"Onii-san's been cheating on you with those two, Naru-sempai!" Kanako shouts as she points at Motoko and Shinobu.
".......errrrrrrrrrrr" Naru growls as she shakes her fist. "Am I not good enough for you Keitaro? Huh? Baka!!!"
"BAKA! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS? HOW CAN YOU DO SUCH A-" Naru yelled in a frenzy but is interrupted by a:
"Ara.............it's not his fault Naru-chan."
"Oi?" Naru suddenly calms down. "What are you talking about Mutsumi?"
"It was..........the kendo girl and the little one."
"Motoko and Shinobu?" Naru said in disbelief.
"It is true Naru-sempai. We plotted this out to get closer to Urashima-sempai. But we were only testing his loyalty to you, and knowing him, he failed horribly."
"Motoko........" Shinobu whispers.
"I see........Arigato Motoko-chan, Shinobu-chan. Keitaro-kun, gomenasi. Get up."
Keitaro only sighs. Naru grabs his arm and tugs him close to her. Keitaro face glows in glee.
"Well that was no fun! I'm tired! Let's go home!" Sarah said.
"Yes.........it wasn't interesting enough" Kitsune chuckles.
The group walk off back to Hinatasou. Two girls remained behind.
"Ara...Motoko-sempai, why did you lie to Naru-sempai?"
"Heh. It's ok if she didn't know the real reason Shinobu. I wouldn't want to interefere with Urashima-sempai and Naru-sempai's happiness together."
"But you said-"
"It's ok Shinobu. I know what I said. Let's just forget this and go home."
Shinobu walks off ahead of Motoko, bewildered and confused. Motoko stays off behind. She takes off the sweater. She looks at the moon and place the sweater right under the moon to form a head on the clothing. She pictures Keitaro.
"I understand now...........aneue....."

(o_0) Interesting? Probably not, but whatever. The story played out different then I kinda planned but it's all good. As long as Naru and Keitaro are a couple, all are well.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Sword and Flower Trying to Steal the Idol's Treasure

Part 1
Motoko Aoyama gets up from her desk and packs her materials up in her bag. Another day at the high-school for the girl, another one who sets her sites on Tokyo University a.k.a. Toudai. She claims her desire to go to the college is to become mentally strong as well as physically strong with her kendo abilities......but there is another reason...........
Shinobu Maehara hurries and set herself ready to leave her school as well so she can prepare dinner for the rest of the Hinatasou (Inn) residences. She runs towards the train station. Shinobu also wishes to become accepted in Tokyo U so that everyone at the Hinatasou can be together at the University........but perhaps that is a bit exaggerated......

"I'm home!" Shinobu yelled in her sweet voice. She looks around to see if anyone else has returned yet, but the place seems empty.
"I wonder where Koalla is. She should be home already because her class always leaves earlier than mine," the girl conjures. All of a sudden a large boom went off. It was in the direction of the kitchen. Shinobu runs to find out what on blazes is going on. She sees Koalla Su. The kitchen is a mess. Pots and pans all over the floor, the water faucet running and overflowing the sink, foodstuffs scramble top to bottom.
"Hey Shinobu! I was lookin for bananas and I couldn't find any so I made my Mecha-Tamas to search the area, but i guess I forgot to set what they were suppose to look for so they made a mess and I had to self-destruct them."
"Ah..........But did you have to make such a horrible mess. It's so disgusting in here!"
"Oi! Disgusting? Does that taste good?"
"No Koalla......it's not a food.....just leave and play somewhere else. I have to clean this mess up."
"I'll help ya Shinobu! MECHA-TAMAS, HELP CLEAN!"
A vast swarm of flying. robot turtles came swooping in the kitchen. They all swirve by Shinobu, spinning her in circles, making her eyes go in swirls. Koalla jumps onto one of the robots and directed them to clean the place. Suprisingly, the turtles did a decent job.
"Yata! I did it! The kitchen is all clean!" Koalla kept repeating as she bounced her way out of the room.
"Ah ya....that girl....." Shinobu thinks to herself. She decides to start making dinner.

Motoko got off the train and left for the Inn. On the way, she sees Keitaro Urashima. Motoko quickly walks up to him. As she gets closer, she notices a second person by his side, wrapping her arms around his arms. Naru Narusegawa.
"Keitaro, look at that! Isn't so darling?" Naru exclaimed as she pointed her finger at a green sweater in display at the local clothing store. "It must be a import from the city, cuz you sure don't get one of these here!"
"Hm......." Keitaro surreptitiously looks through his wallet to check if he can buy the sweater, but he only has enough yen to buy a half of a sock. He sighs.
"Keitaro, what are you doin?" Naru smiles. "Are seeing if you can buy me that sweater so you can win me over? Hm? Well its not going to work Baka."
"Ah, it's no like that Narusegawa."
"Whatever. Let's go on back to the Inn. I sure can use a nap. I feel so tired that...........hey! Motoko!"
"Hello Naru-Sempai, Urashima-Sempai." Motoko says as she greets the couple.
"Ah Motoko-chan, how was class today?" The male inquired.
"It was ok. I can understand most of my lessons so I hope they will help out so that I can get into Toudai."
"Man Baka, didja hafta come up with such a lame topic to discuss? That's why you're a 4 time Ronin! You're so lame!"
"Hey! You were a ronin too! Besides, we're in the university now so don't came me a ronin!"
"Hee hee! Anyway, Motoko, is there anyone you like at your school?" Naru had a sharp smile.
Motoko blushes. "No no no. I cannot have a man on my mind while I am focusing on my studies!"
"I'm kidding Motoko-chan. Besides, it's ok to like someone!"
"Like you two?" Motoko shyly asks.
"Er.....What makes you think that........." Naru says by instinct, but she quickly changes her direction because she consciously tries to admit she is in love with Keitaro. ".....Yes."
Keitaro blushes. (blushing game!) "Yep...." The two gaze at each other a smile. "C'mon! Let's go home!"
The couple walk off, almost forgetting that they had another companion. "Motoko-chan? You comin?" Keitaro asked.

"WAHHHHHHHHH? I'm running out of sake!" Mitsune "Kitsune" Konno cries outloud. "I must have my sake!!!!!"
"Kitsune, please calm down. It's not the end of the world." Shinobu sweetly says.
"I guess, but still, I want some sake!"
"We're back!" a glaring voice shouts out throughout the inn.
"Ah the couple is back! Oh and what's this? Motoko is with them? Perhaps this is a love triangle of three?" Kitsune imagines.
"WHAT?!!?!" Shinobu yells.
Another day at the Hinatasou.

Dinnertime elasps, with praise to Shinobu for cooking so well.
"Well I better go home to my parents and Mei." Naru told everyone. "Our trip to America is tomorrow and I can't wait to go!"
"Well have fun Naru!" everyone said in unison. Naru walks up to Keitaro. "Baka, I'll be back! Don't do anything perverted or sick! Or else it's the Naru Punch!"
"OK ok! I won't!" Keitaro nervously says as he scratches his head. Naru then kisses him on the lips. "Remember!"
The other girls would have looked at the couple in amazement if this happened months ago. But now, they are used to it and acknowledge that Naru and Keitaro are a couple. Well, at least most of the girls..........

Motoko is meditating in her room, but can't concentrate. She's too deeply thinking about Keitaro. She thinks to herself, "Well Naru-sempai is gone for two weeks. Maybe I can get a few dates with Urashima-sempai........No! I musn't think of these thoughts! I must focus........" Motoko walks up and heads downstairs.
"I'll help you clean up the table Shinobu-chan. I mean, it's the least I can do as Karinrin (manager)."
"Arigato Sempai! Ara.........Sempai, since tomorrow's a Saturday and we have nothing to do, would you like to go with me to the movies with my friends?"
"Ah, Shinobu, are you asking me on a date?" Keitaro mischieviously asks.
"AH NO!!!!!!" Shinobu says as she backs up to a corner with a shy face, her eyes all big and gleamy and her mouth undulating in small waves.
"Haha! Ok Shinobu, I have nothing else to do. I'll go!"
Right outside the kitchen, Motoko eavesdrops. "Shinobu actually asked Urashima-sempai? I musn't let her go alone with him...." She barges into the kitchen.
"Um....I overheard that you two were going to go to the movies tomorrow. I musn't let Urashima-sempai go alone with you Shinobu, so I'll go along with you!"
"Ok Motoko-chan! Unless you have oppose that Shinobu-chan."
Suddenly a little girl pops over Motoko and flies towards the manager and lands in his arms.
"Well if Motoko is goin, then I'm goin too!" Koalla says. "Me too!" Sarah McDougal repeats.
Then a girl in all black walks in.
"I cannot let you all go with Onii-san alone." Kanako Urashima coldly says.
"Interesting.............I wonder what will happen to Keitaro in this date with all these girls that like him without Naru....heh heh heh......" Kitsune plots in her mind. She then hears Haruka Urashima's voice. "Why don't you go Kitsune? I'm sure you'll have more fun with them, instead of secretly following them and planning something."
"Heh! I guess you're right Haruka."
"Ara......can I come too?" a pale, mild voice said.
"Oi? Mutsumi-san? Why are you here?"
"I'm here because..........uh.........I don't know why I'm here." Mutsumi Otohime says.
"So it's decided. All of you will go out together tomorrow and have fun." Haruka says with coolness and style, while smoking her cigarette.
"But what about you old lad-" Keitaro asks, getting a elbow in the head before he can finish his sentence.
"You don't learn do you? Call me Haruka. As for me, I'll just tend to the Hinatasou."
"Heh heh, I bet you'll just plan to spend the day with Seta-san." Keitaro says. Kitsune looks on suspiciously, as does Sarah.
"Shut up."

What will happen during the date between the girls and Keitaro? Especially since Naru is gone?!?! I'll just hafta write something worthwhile! 8D

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