
More Fan Fics for my boredom!

Sunday, August 10, 2003

The Hungry Wolf Under The Dragon's Thunderpart one


Southtown, a year since the latest KOF in 2002.......is where this story takes place............

A man walks down the street. This man gathers many stares from near-by citizens. Why are they staring at him you ask? Is it because of his fluorescent red jacket with a big white star on the back, along with his matching red shoes and red cap that says “Fatal Fury”? Or is it his long, blonde hair and his bright blue eyes? Or perhaps it’s his blue jeans and his blue fighting gloves? It’s actually a combination of all of those qualities. This ensemble is worn by the Legendary Hungry Wolf, Terry Bogard. Terry was born in Southtown, and having many memories here, he reminisces. However, a shout easily grasps his attention from his thinking.
“Hey Terry!” yelled a distant female. The girl wore a red tank top, under a green jacket. Her khakis were blue too, and have a matching white star with Terry’s Jacket. Her belt is loose around her waist.
“It’s about time you showed up! I’ve been waiting for you since 7 a.m.!”
“But I thought we’re suppose to meet at 7:10 a.m. And it’s 7:09.”
“That’s besides the point Bogard! You may be a brilliant fighter, but you sure are a moron when it comes to everyday living.”
“SO-rry Mary!”
Ah yes, the woman’s name is Blue Mary. She is current Terry’s girlfriend. She is an undercover agent for Southtown.
“Well it’s about time we had another date. It’s so impossible to find you anywhere! You really need to get a stupid cell phone or something!”
“Heh. All right, I’ll get a stupid cell phone. Just for you Mary.”

Meanwhile, near city limits of Southtown, enters a man, all alone.
He wears a familiar white gi, black belt, red headband, and carries his little sack of belongings. He enters the town; in search of what he always look for, a challenge. Unbeknownst to him, a challenge proved more than worthwhile will be waiting for him….

“Let’s get on with this date sweetheart!” Mary said as she yanked Terry off to the nearby carnival.
“Okay! Okay! Hold your horses. Let me put my stuff back home first! It’ll only take like three minutes!”
“Fine! Hurry up!”
“OKAY!” yelled Terry, one of his signature quotes. He leaves off running, hoping not to anger Blue Mary too much. Before he reaches his home, he senses a strange, yet powerful aura.
“What is this?” Terry thought to himself. “Who in the world has such a strong aura that’s neither good nor bad? I know it’s not Kyo, cuz he’s back at home in Japan with his family and friends. Plus I’m sure that whole Dark Kusagani Arts thing’s over with. No one else has a neutral aura that powerful. Not that I know of…Oh well, I better get back to Mary before she kills me!”
Terry returns home, does what he set out to do, runs back to Mary.
“You always make me wait! You like tormenting me don’t you Terry? It’s like your turning into Yamakazi or something, well, in a less sick way, but you get the point!”
“Sure…I get it…heh heh.”
“Aw shut up! Let’s go! I wanna get my adrenaline goin’!”
And the couple rush off to the carnival.
The day goes by: noon, afternoon, evening. Terry and Mary spent the day doing stupid things around the town.
“HAHA! I can’t believe you actually mooned the town mayor Terry! HAHA! You are so nuts!”
“It’s ok! I know the mayor personally. But I told you! My pants got loose cuz of the ride! I didn’t even know my belt fell out!”
“No, I’m sure you just wanted to moon me and missed!” Mary insulted as she pulls down one eye and sticks her tongue out.

“I feel a strong presence in this town…yet I cannot trace it,” the stranger thought. After spending the whole day tracking down the compelling force in Southtown. “The aura keeps moving around, not to mention that it travels with another weaker, yet powerful aura too.” The man continues his search. However, the day, turning into night, the thugs of Southtown emerge rapidly. A small gang of four thugs walks towards the stranger. Each holding a knife, they plan to rob him.
“Alright Mr. Asian bum. It’s time to give us your moolahs,” said one thug
“Ya! We can sure use it to buy use some drinks to get a buzz, ya know what I’m saying?”
“Frankly, no I don’t,” replied the Asian man.
“Oh ho! A smart a**! Let’s rob his a** good!” one thug with a tomahawk blurted out.
“Well sorry guys, I don’t have any money on me right now.”
“What?” said the last thug, “You ain’t got no money? The hells iz wrong wit you boy?”
The tomahawk one answered, “It’s alright. We’ll just take his bag of s*** or whatever.”
“Sounds fun! Now hand that white bag over, unless you want your a** filled with holes from our knives!”
“Alright, you guys are wasting my time. I’m looking for someone and I think I may have already lost him because of you,” the stranger said.
“Oh hell naw! Now we gonna rob yo a**and slice the f*** outa you boy.”
“This is gonna be fun! I’ll get first blood! Take this!”
The thug rushed toward the Asian expecting to get a deep drill into a soft body, but instead gets a full roundhouse kick in the face, knocking the thug back a few yards.
“What the…oh I see, he’s one of them fighters! All right, we was being nice to ya, but now, uh uh! Let’s get him boys!”
The other three attempt to stab the Asian man, but the fighter easy dodges each swipe. He drops his bag, and gives each of the men a strong wallop in the nose, breaking each of them. Blood came dripping down the nostrils of each man.
“Ahhh…f***! Let’s get outa here!” and the thugs ran off! The Asian man didn’t attempt to follow the guys because of the site of blood. It made him uneasy. Not in the queasy way, but instead, the pupils began to turn red. His veins started to bulge out to the surface of the skin. He grabs his head as if he was in pain. However he slowly controls the rush he felt when the blood disappeared.
“Kah…I really must subdue that feeling. Well back to my search.”

Night falls…
“Look Terry! A full moon! Isn’t it romantic?”
“Are you still talking about that…oh THE moon, heh heh. Ya its quite pretty. Although I cant really focus on it.”
“Why not? I mean it’s so bright and white and…”
Terry put his right index finger over Mary’s lips.
“It’s cuz I’m focusing on you.”
Mary could only stare at Terry in sweet awe as her heart begins to pound. She blushes.
“Even your blushes are beautiful…” Terry continued. Mary couldn’t reply at all, but she just looked happily at Terry.
“Plus, it matches your top!” Terry suddenly blurted out.
“ERGH! WHAT IS UP WITH YOU! You ruin a perfectly romantic moment…Geez! I’m leaving!”
“No, no, no. Wait! I’m just joking around!” Terry said cheerfully.
“No I’m leaving! I’m goin’ home you jerk!”
Mary walks off hastily, while Terry tries to catch up. Mary continues to walk back off in anger, while Terry constantly tries to apologize as he trails her. Abruptly, Mary stops. She turns around with a devilish face, expecting to face a cheerful Bogard face.
“Its………too……..late…….to……..apologize….Ter-….what are you looking at?”
Terry’s face wasn’t as happy as she guessed. His face was quite serious.
“C’mon Mary, it’s a strange man alone and he’s being attacked by thugs! We gotta go help him!”
The couple rush off towards the attacked man.

A couple minutes earlier…

“I sense the two……closer and closer.”
“Boss! There! There’s the f*****’ punk that beat us!”
“Shut up! Any baby could whoop your a**. Hey you! Asian man. C’mere!”
The Asian just stares at what appears to be the thug leader.
“Alright! Mr. Cool. Whatever. Look, I know you beat up my thugs one ta four. So I’ll give you a choice for your actions. Our gang could use a fighter like you. With your abilities we can take over this town and run over that stupid Geese, and even beat up that do-gooder Terry Bogard. Or you can-”
“No thank you.”
“You didn’t let me finish runt! Or you can die under our whole gang’s hands. And we have… let’s see now…30, 40 guys. I know you can handle four, but can you handle ten times?”
“Please if you would excuse me, I’ll be going now,” the fighter replied.
“Mother F*****…Aight! F*** it! Let’s kill his a**!”
The wave of thugs rushed out at the man. Men with bats, pipes, knives, clubs, or whatever thugs use attack. One by one, the Asian knocks each thug out cold.

Back to the couple!…(ya I'm kinda overusing the marquee function, but hey its cool 8D)

“Hey! What’s goin’ on here!” Terry yelled. However he looked astonished as he sees the one man defend against the whole gang.
“Whoa…He’s definitely a fighter Terry.”
“The Asian man…could it be him with the aura?” Terry contemplated.
The thugs spot Terry and Blue Mary. “Boss! It’s the do-gooders! We gotta bust this joint!”
“Errr………You got lucky Asian punk!” the boss yelled.
And off the thugs run.

The Asian man looks at the thugs, but a strong flash of power entered his mind and he turns around. He notices the couple.
“It’s them…”
“Hey Mary, you mind goin’ home by yourself? I wanna check this guy out a bit.”
“K’, you be careful! I don’t wanna hafta see you on the news dead like some of those thugs.”
Terry gives off a smirk. Mary walks off home.
“I sensed something extremely powerful this morning,” Terry notified.
“Yes…and I sensed you too. I was trying to find you the whole day. I came here with intent to fight someone with your capabilities.”
“Alright. If it’s a fight you want. Then you got one. But before I defeat you. I would like to know your name.”
“My name? My name is Ryu.”
“Thanks. C’mon! C’mon!”

The Fight Begins!
Round One! FIGHT!

End of part one 8D So much for a short story eh?

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