
More Fan Fics for my boredom!

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

The Night after the End

"So where are we headed to?"
"TOUDAI!" the couple yelled in unison.
A plane flies over the horizon, away from the back of the Hinata Inn. So far it ends there, but what happens after? Time will tell. Maybe the writer of Love Hina, Ken Akamatsu, will one day get inspirational and continue the story (not likely). Or maybe you should just read on! 

The plane flies off to Toudai. In the plane, Keitaro Urashima holds hands with Naru Narusegawa (a site that shoulda been more often in the regular story) staring at each others’ eyes. After what seems to be hours, a thought popped into Keitaro’s mind.
"Seta-san, where did you learn how to fly a plane?"
"I didn’t." replies the cool and calm Seta.
"WHAT?!?!" the two in the back shouted. "You didn’t learn to fly a plane? Then WHY ARE YOU FLYING THIS PLANE?!?!"
"Well, being an archeologist, you need to get to places, so I learned how to fly a plane and drive by myself."
Naru holds her hand up to the side of her cheek and whispers, "What an unbelieveable guy! That explains all his crashes in his van…….C…r…a…s…h…e…s…!"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" was heard in the the back of the plane, as the vehicle flies out of control, spinning in circles multiple times, and finally crashing on the roof of the university.
After clouds of dust blow away, a pile of wreckage is left on top of the school, with Tama, the girl turtle, hovering over it. A sudden movement in the mess occurs and Tama barely flies off to escape contact, and out pops Seta with his bleeding signature look after his usually accidents.
Naru opens her browns eyes to see a small area of moonlight. She tries to bulge the mass above her, but can’t. She tries a few more times, but the thing above her refuses to move. Naru looks around, and then tries to dig her way out of the mess. The girl eventually finds her way out and sees what was on top of her. Naru covers her mouth and is shocked in what she saw. It was Keitaro! He had protected her from harm during the crash. She runs immediately to him. She repeately pulls him to try to awaken him.
"Keitaro, Keitaro!"
Keitaro finally regains consciousness, and when he turned around, his head was bleeding like Seta’s does!
"I guess you’ve been my assistant for quite a bit Keitaro-kun."
"I guess I have Seta-san!"
The two men engage in laughter, while Naru and Tama look at them in disbelief with a sweat drop on the side of their heads. 
"Come on guys! Let’s go in the school. I’m eager to see what the classes and stuff are like, I didn’t get a good chance to roam around the school while working here."
Keitaro continues, "Ya, me too! All I really seen is your office Seta-san."
"Alright, hold on. Let me get my keys to open the door."
Seta stands there, reaching in his pockets. He checks his lab coat, then his pants, then his shirt. Seta lookes around in circles and pats himself to find the keys. He then scratches his head, smiles with his eyes closed and looks at the students and says, "I guess I lost them in the crash!"
Naru and Keitaro fall down in surprise! (I think it's surprisement, but I’m not sure)
"I guess we’ll have to jump off the roof now" Seta said.
"Are you nuts Seta?" Naru said in skepticism. "That’s suicide! You expect us to-"
But before Narusegawa could finish her sentence, Seta grabs the coupld, and jumps off the room!
"AHHHHHHHHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!" The two bellowed out. "We’re gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Seta, in mid-air, does flips and somersaults and does weird positions before landing on his fee perfectly. Keitaro, however, in the midst of all of Seta’s madness while he was carrying them, lands head first in Naru’s breasts!
And off goes Keitaro flying off over the horizon himself, again…
"HMPH! Let’s go Seta, and leave the pervert to himself. He’s walking by himself!"
The two set off to back to Hinata Inn, but before they could leave the campus, a shadow glooms over Naru. Keitaro’s shadow. He flies back down and lands right on Naru!
Naru’s face looks grim and her fist is held tight in the air ready to pound. "Keitaro…….."
But before she knew it, Keitaro scurried a couple yards away, bowing repeately with his hands over his head saying his usual "Gomen Nasi" phrase to her.
Suddenly, Seta interrupts, "Hey, guess what guys."
The couple glances at the professor, "What?"
Seta scratches his heads, smiles with his eyes closed, and says, "I found my keys. Heh heh."
Boom! The other two fall down.
On the way back to Hinata Inn, the couple ponders on what to do when they see the others. They agree to talk to everyone kindly and explain their love for each other, hoping not to piss anyone too much. Especially Kanako. When the group reached Hinata Inn, all the lights were empty, and the place was deserted.
"Where on earth is everone else? They couldn’t have left the inn, because its late." Narusegawa conjures.
A foot step is heard. Naru and Keitaro turns around, back to back, looks around the place. Suddenly, something zooms at them, and goes over to Seta. Then he disappeared. The couple looked in fright, with their hairs spiking up and vibrating. Then another shadow, soars to Keitaro and takes him away. Naru was left all alone. She cries, "Where did everyone go?!?!?!"
*Click* The lights turn on. Mei Narusegawa, Kaolla Su, and Shinobu Maehara hiding behind Su, enter the entrance room.
"Onee-san, you’re back!"
"HI NARU!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Mei-chan, why is the house dark, and where is everyone else?"
"I dunno, the other girls told us to go to our rooms and stay there but we didn’t want to, cuz we figured something was going on if all the lights are turned off."
"OH OH I KNOW I KNOW! Perhaps the other girls wanted to close all of the lights and hide us, so when you returned, they could jump Keitaro and Seta and tie them up in a room, then the girls would act out their fantasies with them! Mm hm! Yep!" Kaolla visualized.
Shinobu and Naru jump up and shouted, "WHAT?!?!"
"Su-chan, how can you even decipher with that outcome?" Naru asked.
Su looks at her funny, and scratches her head, "Decipher? Is that tasty?"
"Never mind, we have to look for the others."
In a dark room, Keitaro is found to tied up alone. He takes a look around. All of a sudden, the lights flash and the room is illuminated.
"This looks like………Kitsune’s room?!?! Why am I tied up in here?!?!"
Keitaro then looks to the side and sees Mitsune "Kitsune" Konno and Haruka Urashima,………..in lingerie!!!!!!!!!!! His nose starts to bleed.
"What the?!?! Kitsune? Old lady?"
*Konk!* Haruka elbows her nephew in the head. "Call me Haruka."
Kitsune then speaks, "Oi? Keitaro? I though we grabbed Seta."
"Grabbed?…Seta?…..What’s going on?" Keitaro thought.

In another dark room, Seta is tied up to what seems like a body. The lights turn on, and the body reveals to be a samurai statue.
"This isn’t Onii-chan. This is that scientist guy, Seta." Kanako said.
"I told you, you grabbed the wrong person. Urashima would be closer to Naru-sempai. And why did you have to bring here? You moron! Leave."
"Shut up, why are you here Motoko?"
"Because……..THIS IS MY ROOM!!!!!!!! If you don’t leave, I’ll force you too! Shimeiryuu……Zanmaken!"
*Boom!* Kanako flies off out of Motoko Aoyama’s room. Motoko then turns toward Seta.
"Seta, I challenge you!"
"Again? Sure why not? But are you gonna untie me first? Or it wouldn’t be a fair fight."
"I suppose."
The two then fight, with blurry punches from Seta, and blurry swipes from Motoko. They end up fighting on top of the Hinata Inn. The noise they produce grasps the others’ attention.
In, the entrance room,
"Naru-sempai, what’s going on?"
"I dunno Shinobu, let’s go see. I think it’s coming form the roof."
In Kitsune’s room,
"What are you two doing in those clothes?"
"Shut up! I hear something up there, the roof! Let’s go check it out!"
The two ladies then grab Keitaro, leaving him tied.
On the roof, the Kendo girl and the martial artist still fight, leaving dents, holes, and other damage to the rooftop.
Kitsune’s group arrives first and look at the fight.
"Wow, they’re at it again!"
Haruka, with her head down, "*sigh* That’s gonna cost us some yen to repair the roof…"
Then Naru’s group arrives and sees the fight. Then Naru sees Kitsune and Haruka in lingerie with Keitaro all tied up.
Naru then looks at Keitaro with demon eyes, "Keitaro…………You stupid, sick, twisted, perverted freak!!!!!!" and gives Keitaro and walloping punch, freeing him from his bondage, but launching him off miles vertically, again.
Finally, Seta lands a punch and sets Motoko down to the wooden platform.
Everyone gasps. Kitsune shouts at him, "SETA, you idiot! How could you hurt her?"
"It’s ok, she’s a tough girl, and I didn’t hit her that hard. Look."
Motoko recovers, and then yawns. "I’m too tired to continue. I’m sorry Seta. Can we continue this tomorrow?"
"That’s a good idea guys. We had a long night. Let’s rest up." Naru suggested.
Everyone then leaves for bed.
"Phew! That’ll leave some time for me and Keitaro to……..Keitaro! Oh gosh, I guess I shouldn’t have punched him so hard! I better go look for him."
Naru left the Inn, and looked for Keitaro. She checked the school, the park, and other places she could think of, but still no sign of Keitaro.
"Where are you dummy…?"
She decides to head home, in grief, unable to find him.
"I guess he’s out there somewhere sleeping in an hotel away from me…I shouldn’t have hit him so hard…"
Naru walks to her room, and gets ready to sleep with tears in her eyes. Unexpectedly, the box covering the hole to Keitaro’s room shakes, and out pops Keitaro.
"Narusegawa, where were you? I couldn’t find you."
"WHERE were you?!?! I looked everywhere for you!"
"I was sleeping in my room. Where else would I be…….Narusegawa? What’s wrong?"
Naru turns around in the direction of Keitaro.
"You…….made me look around the town all over for you! Then you tell me you were sleeping in your room? You didn’t even say good night to me!!! You stupid idiot!!!!!!!!!"
*Pow!* Naru sends Keitaro down to his room! His eyes were little swirls spinning.
Naru then crawls to the hole and looks down at Keitaro angrily, but then her face changes to her sweeter side. She then whispers,
"Oh and Keitaro, good night sweetheart."

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