
More Fan Fics for my boredom!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Ties of Two Tyrants

A Marvel Fanfic coming soon to a computer with internet near you! =)

Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Summers-Grey Super Mutant Family Team!


Scott "Slim" Summers AKA Cyclops


The Cool Dad

Jean Grey-Summers AKA Marvel Girl/Phoenix


The Hot Mom

Nathan "Christopher Dayspring Askani' Son" Summers AKA Cable and Nate Grey AKA X-Man


The Twin Sons

Rachel Summers-Grey AKA Phoenix/Marvel Girl


The Lovely Daughter

Alexander "Alex" Summers AKA Havok


The Friendly Uncle

Madelyne Pryor AKA Clone of Jean


The Sexy Mistress

Gabriel Summers AKA Vulcan


The Long-Lost Uncle


Yay! Let's see what fun adventures this family can get into!


Of course all characters are property of Marvel Comics. Only this silly idea of stories is my own and are not for profit, but for the pure enjoyment of idiots like me who like to write fan fics.

Pictures are taken from to Wikipedia and Globinesque: A Madeylne Pryor Website

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Robot Masters Tournament Battle

Morning arrives. Slowly, the robot monsters begin their trek back to the stadium. Each one filled with anticipation as to see who will be called the strongest.

All the known faces appear with more power than ever. The mighty Elec Man shows up with the other First 6. Quick Man's bold strength is hindered no less. Pharoah man is pumped up with energy. And many more great robots, from Cut Man, Gyro Man, and Turbo Man, to Centaur Man, Gemini Man, and Wood Man. All have shown up.
As the numbers quickly fill up, the scientist grabs hold of the mike.

"While waiting for all of the contestants to arrive. I think it's time to choose the leaders of each team. We will use Auto's random chooser device to decide. Auto would you please bring out the machine."
A green goofy, yet bulky robot comes towards Dr. Light and brings some contraption.
"Alrighty! Let's choose our first captain! How exciting!" Auto exclaims.
The machine projects out a slot machine. There are three slots. The numbers go one to three, from left to right. The captains of each team seem to be selected by the corresponding slot.
"OK! Time to pull the arm!" and with stated, Auto pulls. The excitement continues to build. Many familiar faces pass by the view. The first slot slows down and approaches, without a doubt, Mega Man.
"And our first team captain is Mega Man!" Dr. Light yells to the crowd. "How clichè! Auto, would you pull the arm again to see who the second captain is!"
The second slot begins to spin. Faster and faster and faster it spins. After ten seconds, the wheel beings to slow. The faces of Needle Man, Plant Man, and Junk Man pass by, but it stops at none other than...
"Our second team captain will be BASS!"
"Hmph.........how annoying. I didn't want to command a team of obsolete robots. Well, as long as they don't get in my way to destroy Mega Man, I'll make due." Bass thinks to himself, in spite of the turn of events that did not go his way.
"Auto! The final slot please!"
"Yes doctor!"
The wheel begins to spin again! And it stops on, PROTO MAN!
"How interesting! Proto Man will be pit against his own brother. Although they have met in combat before, never had they fought with full strength. This is a great fortune to have these two members in battle!."
"Sounds fun." Proto Man as he plays his loon.
"Okay! Now that the captains have been choosen, this will be the process of choosing team members. Team members will be chosen either from the slot, team drafts, or opponent drafts. We will begin with the slots choosing three members for each team. Then each team will decided three drafts. Then each team will choose three members for the other two teams. Then drafting for the own team again, and the final ones will be picked by the slots. Team Three, Team Blues, will get to choose their own team first by means of slot. Team Two, Team Forte, will get the first choice in drafting. Team One, Team Rock, will be the first to choose to give the other teams their members in any order they want. Okay! Shall we being?"
Tension rises as Proto Man walks up to the the machine. He pulls.

Who will be the first to join Team Blues?
Will they be able to work as a team?
And will they be strong enough to be champions of the Robot Masters Tournament Battle?

Monday, August 08, 2005

It's the year A.D. 20xx

A satellite sprouts out from the ground. As it spins around in circles, it shoots out signals to space. Stations in space receive the signal and spread the news. This time it was really big news!

"Greetings everyone! I am Dr. Thomas Light. It's been a few months since the 7th defeat of Dr. Wily. And things have been peaceful around Earth. But being the crazed old scientist man I am, I've decided to rough things up a little. This message is cast out to all previous robot masters that have faced Megaman before. I have modified him to higher and stronger capabilities. Those of you that wish to test out your abilities, please meet us tonight at the Centerdome near Wily's first base. I hope all of you will come."

That very night...

"Are you sure this is ok, Dr. Light?" Roll asked.
"I'm sure everything will be alright."
"Plus if any trouble occurs, Megaman will take care of everything right?"
"Sure! I beat em all once! I can do it again."

With those words uttered, soon a mass crowded of robot masters appeared.
"Where is he?"

But before the robot masters could do anything, a blast of green plasma energy bolts made a barrier of destruction.

"If anyone here is to destroy Megaman, it's me!" said the Black robot. "Come Treble, let us get our revenge!"

Then a whistle is heard, "do do doooooo do dooooo, do do dooo do do do doooooo, do do doooooo do dooooooooo, do do doooo do do do doooooo," Protoman flies past Bass and stands by Megaman.

"Here are the capsules Dr. Light. I'm sure they are the original six. Well I'm off."
"Wait, Protoman. Before you go, wouldn't you like to stay and see what I have to offer?"
"I don't think there is anything anyone can offer me."
"Please stay, just to hear me out."
"Very well. I'll stay."

Dr. Light moves up to the center of the stadium. He grabs the mike placed in the middle.
"Thank you all for coming. I am Dr. Light. I was hoping all 56 of you could make it. Why do I know that there are 56 of you? It is because I am here to host our first annual Robot Masters Tournament Battle. I am here to split all of you robots, including Megaman, into three teams of nineteen. Together you fight in a series of competitions. I would also like to tell you that the members of the winning team will win a grand prize of Wily's fortune. Not a bad prize if I do say so myself. We will begin to draw teams first thing in the morning. Then when the teams are drawn, I shall go over the different competitions of the tournament. I assure you, it will test every capability each of you have and to test which of you uphold your reputations as robot masters. I suggest you rest and properly set up your settings and such for tomorrow. Till then, farewell."

Bass looks up at the stage, and then at Megaman.
"Psh......fine whatever........as long as I get to destroy him in the end. I'll play their stupid little game."

Back on the stage, Light goes to Protoman.
"So, what do you think?"
"I'm interested. I'll be back tomorrow."
"I'm glad."
"So long doc."
Light returns with a nod.

"Well Doctor. It seems it's gonna be a hell of a ride tomorrow."
"You said it. It's about time to have a little fun!"
"OK! Let's go Rush!"

So ends the prologue of the...............

First Annual Robot Masters Tournament Battle

Who will team with who?
Who will end up victorious?
Who will take the crown as the ultimate ROBOT MASTER?

Sunday, March 06, 2005

When the Four Destined Flames Unite


The Red Arremer once again lashes out at the new enemy. The same result occurs.
"KARAHAHA! He's fast! Who You?" the monster asked. No reply, just deep foam breathing. The arched body only stands still.
"KAAAAAAAAAAAH!" the other entity said.
The Arremer sends out his unlimited amount of minions. All of the creatures attack the other fighter simultaneously. Amazingly, the opponent releases flames at the minions killing each one before they even reached him. The flames were PURPLE!
"PURPLE Alive?!?!" the demon questioned. "I kill purple already!"
Iori is indeed up, but not perfectly so. This crazed form of Iori is the cause of the Riot Blood of Orochi. Because of his ancestry, the Yagami family made a compact with the Orochi to destroy the Kusagani family in the ancient war against the Orochi. The Riot Blood controls Iori and turns him into a mindless, murdering machine. All he wants his blood, and now, all he sees is the demon's blood.
"KAAA!" Orochi Iori screams out. The demonic man rushes at the Arremer with improved speed. Like the Sans-Cullote of Ash, but without the need of DM's. Iori unleases another Maiden Masher,and grabs the devil, but this version is different. The Orochi Maiden Masher ending is different. Instead of the grab and blast at the end, Iori explodes the Arremer on the ground multiple times with his right hand in purple flames.

The Arremer falls back and safe falls. Iori only stands hunched over, and breathing foam.
The Arremer only sends out more and more demons at Iori, but still no effect on the Orochi Prince. The monsters just keep burning up. The Arremer grew desperate to kill Iori. He unleashes his most powerful DM...
The master demon lashes out at Iori. At contact, a big explosion came into place. The color of it was purple.
"GAAAAH!" the Red Arremer screams flying back far away. Iori leans back with his arms spread out screaming as well, but in madness in lieu of pain.
The demon suddenly vanishes, being sent back to the depths of hell of which it came from. As Iori walks towards the body, the others regain conscience. Kyo gets up and looks at Iori yelling out of control. After a few seconds, Iori stops, and his color returns its shade from the former paleness. Then the Prince walks out first.
"Yagami..." Kyo utters at his rival.
"One day you will die Kyo......and that will be an effect from the cause of my hands."
Kyo responds with nothing as he watches Iori walk off. Ash slowly walk toward Kyo.
"Perhaps it is time for me to go, no? Au revior."
K' looks on at his "father." Kyo turns around.
"I guess today our fate was mutual in survival......but be sure that I will rid of all my clones....." and with that Kyo runs off.
K' left by himself, leaves as well.
"Hmph.....at least I got what I needed...Iori's flame of the I chip."

Sheesh after like 8-9 months i finish this story......and its not even that good -_- well onward to the next fic!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

When the Four Destined Flames Unite>
Second Part

Welcome to Hell...

"...Kekeke! I am the Red Arremer. Welcome the Four Flames!"
Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, K', and Ash Crimson. The four flames together in Hell.
"What do you want from us?" the Orange Flamer asked.
"You're fire.....arrroooooooooo!"
"What need do you have with our flames?"
"That doesn't explain anything at all!" Kyo yelled.
"I believe he von't taulk...hellish being!" Ash replied.
"Four flames.....must die...."
"Enough of this shit...Iron Trigger-second Shoot!"

A spark of fire flash from the clone's legs! Beneath the flame the legs shoot out another flame drove at the devilish creature.
"KAAAHAHAAAAHH!" The Red Arremer launches into the air with its powerful wings and blows out a fireball into the ground...a pillar of fire rise from nowhere and destroy the shot.
"What power..." K' said in shock. "I can already tell the powerful aura is deadly in this being..."
"I believe that vee haff to vork together to destroy thees creature!" The Frenchman uttered.
"PEST! I will kill this despicable fool!" Iori rampered.
Iori aims low and starts with two slidding uppercuts and a rush double pound, his 147 Shiki: Aoi Hana(Deadly Flower). Yet the monster still flies up and dodges.

The creature screeches and rushes down toward Iori. The manuever, the Hell Hunter, swipes Iori twice.
"What?!?!" Kyo exclaimed. "Iori had a total block on the manuever!"
"Which just means its a unblockable move..."
K' and Ash run to assault the Arremer, but before they could they were stopped by a pillar of purple fire.
"NO! This bitch is mine! Ore Woh Tomeru Kah, Narashine! (If you try to get in my way, I will kill you!)"
Still airborne, the devilish thing summoned little purple Puchi Devils. The three minions fly at Iori with incredible speed. The devils kamikaze into Iori, blowing themselves up on him. Iori stunned but not fallen, curses under his breath and runs at the Arremer again. Now nine Puchi Devils fly at Iori, however this time, the devils blow up into a Fireball.

"Shine! (Die!)" and with those words said, Iori uses his Kin 1211 Shiki: Yaotome (Maiden Masher). He gather his chi into his hands, which shine, then glide like as if he were on ice, and grabs the Red Arremer. In his possession, Iori performs a series of swipes, punches, and slashes at the monster. After he finished he grabs it and sends his flames into his hands and explode the Arremer.

Right after the Masher, Iori performs his Ura 316 Shiki: Saika (8 Cups of the Maiden's Wine). After he blows up the Arrermer, Iori's eyes hint of madness and he slices once with his left, then a slash wave with his right, then a cross slash with both hands that ignite a huge pillar.

"RRAAAAAA ARRROOO! Strong! Must kill Purple!"
The creature send out little weird looking sandwiches that explode upon contact. Along with this, it sends more projectiles by summoning zombies, the Puchi Devils, and breathing out fireballs. Iori swarmed with explosion and flames falls and disappears within the smoking air.
"KAKAKAAKAAKKAK!" The Arremer stood down upon Iori and laugh vigilantly. "Purple destroyed! Dark Orange next!"
"Dark orange?" K' thought to himself. "He must mean--"
"K' watch out!" Kyo yelled at him. More projectiles are summoned by the monster, but now at the direction of K'.
"Crap! Crow Bite!"
Similar to the Fireball of Iori and Kyo, K's Crow Bite is an anti-air. However, K's manuever is more angular and has an added kick at the end which K' tries to aim at the Red Arremer.

"Come Crimson, we gotta help out or else we'll end up like Iori!"
Kyo rushes in first attempting to attack with his own Fireball as K' finishes his Crow Bite.

Behind the Orange Flamers, Ash fires a Ventôse to cover the seemingly unlimited projectiles.

All the attacks were proven useless by the Arremer's minions and projectiles. Then the monster turned to the offensive with Hell Hunters. Each of the flame wielders attempting to block the attack fail to do so.
"Oi! I've forgot that zee move iz unblockable!"
"Damnit! Ore ne..kachi da!(This is my victory!) I can't lose to a stupid ass monster! 707 Shiki: R.E.D. Kick!"
Kyo vertically flies up with triple kicks at the Red Arremer, yet the demon blocks each kick.

Ash tries to follow with his own anti-air attack, Nivôse, but the monster blocks again and counters with more Hell Hunters.
"We can't keep up like this....He keeps blocking our attacks while perfectly countering them!" Kyo exclaimed.
"Allow me then..." K' answered.
K' runs at the Red Arremer and performs his Blackout slide. The Arremer tries to hit K' but K' disappears before its very eyes. Now behind it, K' charges up Desperate Move energy for his fastest DM, Heat Drive. The demon turns around to counter K's move, but before he can even react, K disappears again. The demon, confused, looks around again, but after a few seconds it feels a strong burning impact. The hit launched it upwards in orange flames causing it to spin downwards as it hits the ground. K' reappears on the other side.
The monster picks itself up from his fall and growls at K', "Dark Orange must die!"
"Easy my ass clone," Kyo muttered. "You can't beat this thing alone!"
With that said, Kyo dashes at the Red Arremer and brings out a Gnaw Fist. Burning the monster, Kyo gestures Ash to fire another Ventôse to bring additional damage. The Red Arremer now burns into a mix of Orange and Green fire. The red vanishes from it. The flames slowly go out, but the Arremer seems unscratched. It only growls louder than before.
Suddenly, the ground shakes. Earthquakes cause the ground to split open. Puchi Devils in an astronomical number fly up and breeze at the three flamers. The once red sky is covered by the purple hue of the devils. K', Kyo, and Ash, back up to each other, facing the Puchi's. The swarm dive into the three humans who are bombarded with pain as the devils kamikaze themselves.
"This is not gonna work! We have to go on the offensive!" K' screamed.
"Yes! Vee must make an opening to attack! I'll created eet!" the Frenchman said at the top of his lungs. "Cover me! I'm going to use my Sans-culotte S(L)DM!"
Ash drops his guard and focuses his chi power into his body. Slowly green fire flows into a pillar around him.

The fire blows up some of the Puchi's. As the brilliant green fire disappear, Ash disappeared. Ash reappeared to fire Ventôse's and disappeared at unhuman speed. The Sans-culotte apparently increases Ash's agility. Ash combines his Ventôse with his Nivôse, firing flames while doing vertical flips. The Puchi Devils slowly dwindle.
"Now for the main course! Thermidor!"

Ash spins his hands in a circular motion. A big ball of fire appears in his hands and he releases it in the direction of the Arremer. As the ball flies through the air, all the Puchi Devils in its path explode.
"Green! ARRRRRR!" The Red Arremer receives full impact of the Thermidor. Once again in green flame, the Arremer recovers without injury.
"Huff, huff....Vat vill injure this indomination?!?!"
"KEEEEEEE!" the monster screeched and flies through Ash with the all familiar Hell Hunter. Ash falls down but doesn't get up. Exhausted from his S(L)DM, Ash falls unconscious.
"Shit...We lost two already...I think it's better if we leave K'! You get Iori's body and I'll get Ash's!" Kyo runs to Ash to grab him, but Puchi's surround the body. K' goes to where Iori's body landed, but the body was missing.
"I can't get through the devils! They're blocking my path!"
"Iori's body is gone!"
"WHAT? Gone?"
"That's what I said!"
"Shit...We still gotta get out! I'm gonna blast my way through to Ash! 182 Shiki (182 Style)!"
Kyo turns back charging his fist full of fire energy. As he charges, a small circle of fire surround him. As he finishes his charge, he release the power and punches through the Puchi Devils with a tremendous impact.

Kyo walks to Ash in the path he created with his DM. As runs up to Ash, he quickly picks up the body. However, in midst of this action, the Red Arremer release more minions into the area.
"Kyo! WATCH OUT! IT'S A--"
Before K' could finish his sentence, the two bodies were covered within explosions and smoke. As the smoke clears up, the two bodies lay together on the ground. The demon in the air lets out a gawk.
"Kraaa! Hahahah! Fools! All die!"
"....What the fuck..." K' contemplated in his mind. "What the hell can destroy this thing?!?!"
K' runs to get protect the bodies before the demon can apply any more damage to them. However, as he tries to move, a force prevents him from moving. He turns around to see who or what it is.
"You? But you can't--" K' said before his body exploded like Kyo and Ash's. K' falls down to the ground unconsciously. The Red Arremer looks at the commotion in surprise.
"ARRRR! What's this? Another? KRAAAA DIE!" The demon lashes out towards the new opponent. Dodging the attack, the newcomer slashes at the Red Arremer.
"Kakaka! Fool! Four have already tried! You can't harm me...KAAAAAH!" The Demon spits out blood. "Ka...You'll pay!!! KEEE!!!"

To be continued...

What? After the four powerful flamers attempt to defeat the Red Arremer, and none could harm it, who could be so powerful as to make it cough out blood! You'll just have to wait until part 3!"

Saturday, February 07, 2004

When the Four Destined Flames Unite

Oh yes! It's Marquee Time!
Off in a disclosed area, in a house about one and a half bigger than a cottage, lay a little house. Whip's little docile. This is where K's Team headquarters exist...

.......our protaganists figure out the mysteries of the newly gained I' Chip....they spent hours on it.
"Ai....how much more....?" Kula innocently asked with impatience. "I wanna go spend some time having fun before our next mission."
"Wait....I almost got it!" The hefty Maxima exclaimed in excitement.
Scanning the chip between data miles for minutes more, the human machine finds the solution to the powers of the I' Chip. It is a clone. Like K'.
"What? A clone? But I thought NESTS was done for! What the heck do technology like this still exist?" the Kyo clone asks.
"I do not know, but it seems that the ability to clone is still in the hands of someone in this world. Maybe good, maybe bad, but we should see if this clone is for better or worse. My information tells me that this is a clone of......Iori Yagami!"
"WHAT?!?!" the rest of the K' Team said in astonishment. "A Yagami clone? How the hell did they have the possiblity to control Iori enough to gather DNA samples, let alone avoid death from his grip?" Sarah wondered.
"Not enough sufficient data. I need more time to study this clone, but I have to unleash the chip. To do so I will need a glimpse of the paternal flame."
"Huh?" the young, ignorant Anti-K asks
"He means we need Iori's purple flames to ignite the chip to unlock it, so its time to pack and move!" Whip educates.
"YAY! MISSION!! YAY FUN FUN FUN FU...." Kula yelled in joy but was quickly interrupted by K'.
"I'll go alone...I have a score to settle with Yagami..."
"But but but..."
"My decision is final...Maxima...please....keep them from following me....Blackout!" K' utters the words and slides into darkness and before the group can see K', he's already out the house with the chip.

In the city, a man is walking. His jacket is white, with a ancient sun symbol on the back. His pants are black and blue. His hair is brown and his hands are in orange flames.
The man walks up to a temple, The Guardians Dogs Temple. His flames compelled him to enter. As he walked up to the temple he sees a figure. The red hair of the figure makes him undistinctable. The red-haired man is wearing a blue and white jacket with an ancient moon symbol on the back. The pants are similar to the brown-haired man. The red-hair man burned his hands with purple flames.
"Kusanagi....." the red-haired man coldly said, "...today is the day.....you DIE!!!"
"Damnit Yagami....I have no time for this! I was summoned here by a dark powerful force. I can't waste any energy on you!" Kyo Kusanagi voiced out.
"You craven bastard! I knew you'd be summoned here, because I, too, was summoned here by the power! It is inevitable that we finish our bout Kyo!" Iori yelled.
"You don't understand do you? You freakin id...." Kyo screamed before he was engulfed in the purple flames.
As the fight pursuits, two lamps are lit up by the two guardian dog statues, a orange flame and a purple flame. The one in the middle has no flame.

K' feels two humongous sources of aura. He tracks down the energy throughout the city. As he slowly gets closer he finds trails of the flames. However, aside from a orange and a purple flame, he finds a green flame as well!
"What is this? Who would have green flames.....there are no other flame users that I know of....."
Although astonished by this new discovery, K' still focuses on getting to the two flames and perhaps the green flame. K' rushes to his destination.

A moving spark of purple fire streaks at Kyo. Kyo jumps over the hot fire and sparks his own flames at Iori.
"Gnaw Fist!"
Kyo punches out a fist full of his bright orange fire, but Iori sidesteps the attack and counters with a Fire Ball anti-air.
Before falling down on the ground, Kyo quickly recovers and uses his own Fire Ball before Iori lands.
"Damnit! I will kill you for that! BASTARD!"
Iori charges at Kyo with the Dark Crescent Moon Slice Grab. He tries to grip his hands on Kyo but Kyo deflects the attempt and counters with R.E.D. Kick, which launches Kyo upwards while kicking and launching Iori as well. Iori safe falls backwards and enters his stance. Kyo dittos. Before the two can begin another round, a dark orange flame flies through between them. It was an Eins Trigger's Second Shoot. K' enters the temple.
"What the? The Stupid Clone!" Iori said in anger.
"My stupid clone..." Kyo whispers in deep hatred.
"I need you Yagami...I need your stupid flame. Kusanagi, you better step aside. I don't wish to hurt you."
"Cocky little dick..." Kyo uttered. "Prepare to die! You dare compare yourself to the ancient arts of us? I should end your life now!"

Then suddenly another stream of flame when by. The green flame! A figure flew into between the three. The man's hair was white, which matched his red and white entourage. He has a headband and his nails are painted red.
"Oui? We shouldn't fight so eagerly! We must conserve each of our beautiful flames! Ventôse!"
Another stream of flame blasts toward the fighters. As each fighter dodges the attack, the real target is shown. The third lamp was lit by the fire blast.
"Who are you?" Kyo asked.
"Ash. Ash Crimson."
"HMPH! Another stupid pest!" Iori harshly stated.
"..." K' was silent.
"Well I guess its time...the flames have united." Ash narrated.
The lamps' flames soon become white. The white flames caused the statues to glow off some sort of radiance. As the glow gets brighter the dog guards move back. A staircase is revealed under the dogs.
"Oh my! I believe this is the path to the huge source of energy that brought all us together. No?" the newcomer excitedly said.
"Shall we?" Kyo charmingly joked.
And after that the four go down the stairs. They entered a hellish place with ghouls and demons around. The place is fiery red and really hot. Without their flames, the four would have been burned to death.
"I guess this is where we meet our source of energy..." Kyo wondered. "This will be interesting....."
The group is halted by a red demon. It's build is hellishly creepy. It's wings are like of an archangel. He screeched.

"Kekeke! I am the Red Arremer. Welcome the Four Flames! Welcome to my land of fire.............a little place known as Hell."

To be continued......

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